"Data is the new oil". We are generating data in today's multi-channel media, AI smart-device era. We need to understad our data to make informed decisions.

Why do we need to understand data?
“Data is the new Oil”
Be it our smart-watch heath stats or secure banking data, or even our Facebook, LinkedIn, various social media data. We are constantly generating data at home, work and even while driving!
When it comes to data, there are a few interesting questions we want to understand better.
Why is it important to understand Data?
What are the steps to adopt, scale and democratize a data-culture?
How do we understand our data?
Why is it important to understand Data?
”In this Information-era the better we understand our data the faster and better our decisions would be”
Using hashtags can expand your post reach and help people find the content that matters to them.
What are the steps to adopt, scale and democratize a data-culture?
“Load, shape,clean, and Visualize data into actionable, scalable and sharable solutions. Ask your data and find insights. Self-serve analytics is democratizing data-culture globally.”
How do we understand our data?
”A recent scientific study has shown that we understand and consume information 80% faster when we see an image or a visual.”